Join us for worship
We have a single service at 10:00am,
with communion on first and third Sundays, followed by a time of fellowship.
For more details about our worship services, click here.
Worship with us online
Join us for Morning Prayer via Facebook Live
at 8:00am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

We welcome you, whether you grew up in the Presbyterian Church,
the Catholic Church, a non-denominational church, or no church at all.
We welcome you whether your cup is overflowing or is nearly empty.
We welcome you whether you come seeking comfort
or seeking to have your comfort challenged.
We welcome you whether you come knowing what to expect
or have no idea.

Worship is designed to draw us into the presence of God, and there, be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit. We offer opportunities for everyone to connect with God through scripture, prayer and music, using a variety of styles, voices and instruments.
Christian Formation is life-long learning designed to help each of us “grow in the knowledge and love of Christ.” We offer opportunities for people of all ages and stages to learn and grow in their faith.
God sends the Church in the power of the Holy Spirit to join the mission of Jesus Christ in service to the world. We offer opportunities to serve our community and beyond, joining God’s mission of reconciliation, peace and justice and the care of creation.
Being a Christian means being a part of a loving, caring community. We offer opportunities to connect with others for fellowship, care and support.
The Presbyterian Church of Danville