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We welcome you whether you grew up in the Presbyterian Church, the Catholic Church, a non-denominational church or no church at all.


We welcome you whether your cup is overflowing

or whether it is nearly empty.


We welcome you whether you come seeking comfort

or seeking to have your comfort challenged.


We welcome you whether you come knowing what to expect

or have no idea.



What should I expect when coming to The Presbyterian Church?


Our sanctuary was built in the 1800's. It is a beautiful, historic, tall, brick structure, so it can look imposing and formal from the outside but,

on the inside, you can expect to find a vibrant, welcoming church for persons of all ages.


Expect to be welcomed as you enter the sanctuary

and greeted as you leave.


Expect to find people dressed in a variety of styles:

dresses, coats and ties, business casual and jeans.


Expect to find quality nursery care for your child, engaging faith formation opportunities for all ages and vibrant youth group.


Expect to find worship that is engaging and participatory, 

preaching that is relevant and music that blends old and new.


Expect to be welcomed as a child of God. 

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